This must be taking procrastination to a whole new level. But it's time to get ready to share photos of our baby as soon as he makes his appearance and have a place to update his discovery of the world.
Bear with me as I learn to blog. Wow. Blog. Oh my goodness.
Telling Erica's Family.
So, to start. Here is our announcement to the family. It was April 8, 2007 and I was officially 8 weeks and 3 days pregnant. We had seen the heartbeat already and had ultrasound photographs to share, too.
We rigged a Boogle Game and I threw down a challenge to mom. Winner take all. She was hesitant to play with such stakes. Turns out, I had to fake playing for a full three minutes because she wasn't seeing our full sentence message on the board.
Start at the bottom left and go up, down, up, down.
We are pregnant now.
One of my favorite photos ever. The moment I read the message outloud.
Look! We super glued the pieces in. This game is stuck this way forever now.
And a bunch of my rings in the bottom to make the game sound like it was shaking up!
Finding Out The "Flavor"
A whooping a 12 weeks later we went in for our 20 week "big" ultrasound to find out how the baby was growing and what "flavor" of kid we had on our hands.
Given my adoration for most all things stupid, naturally I am a fan of the LOLcats or cat macros. So I had to announce the news to our friends via cat macro.
Milo got to be the one to break the gender!
And yes. For the record, I did make a girl announcement and a we-cannot-tell announcement, too.
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