It was a sad week last week. Our good kitty Milo passed away of a surprise heart condition. He had an emergency on Saturday and was rushed to the vet's where his heart condition was diagnosed. We tried drugs for a few days when he came home, but on Thursday the 3rd he passed a clot that paralyzed his back legs requiring us to put him and down and end his suffering.
I am so sad to lose such a great cat and companion. He really did know me and love me as much as a furry cat face can and no other kitty can replace the Milo personality.
Samui is mourning his loss, too. He went and spent a few days with Mom and Dad's kitties, but now that he is back home he is back to howling and searching. I don't know if it's Milo exactly he misses or simply the companionship and warm fur body in his cat bed. (Well, dog bed. Please don't tell him!)
This photo is the last we took of Milo. The silly guy jumped up on the counter on Wednesday night. Totally against the law (I know he did it anyway!), but he stayed when I came in the kitchen and pretty much asked not to be fussed at. So we let him stay and Douglas and I pet him for a while. I took a few photos of him having no idea it would be our last ones.
Milo was such a great guy. Douglas named him for me and for seven and a half years he was a wonderful friend. I am very sad that Joaquin won't grow up with this kitty. It's funny, I call Joaquin "Milo" each time he pees in a fresh diaper, since Milo loved to stalk the litter box when it was being cleaned and be the first guy in to take an immediate pee in the fresh litter. So, a little bit of Milo lives on, I guess. Heh.
I miss Milo. I hope he is enjoying The Scratching Post in the Sky. :-)
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