Friday, March 20, 2009

Is he really THAT girly looking? Really!?

It's happening over and over. I keep hearing how gorgeous "she" is. I just say thanks, but when they ask her name, the cat is out of the bag. Well, usually. Heh.

It's the curls, right? I mean, for pete's sake. He doesn't even wear baby looking stuff much. Tshirts, cords, sweats. Pretty manly gear. Well, it's not pink.

This photo is from my phone just moments after I heard "What a gorgeous spring flower she is!" What!? Huh?! He's in a black Tshirt. And cords. And brown and green BOY shoes.

I will not cut this curls. Or in this case, his post-nap frizz. Not anytime soon. No way. He can deal with being called a girl. He should get used to it anyway. Look at his Papi!


Anonymous said...

I am trying to see out of my tears, i am laughing too hard.

Lisa said...

Of course he looks manly (or boyly at least which is not to be confused with boily!) Maybe the lady didn't look at his legs and thought his black shirt was a leotard??? Whatever - I love the curls!