So let's start back in time a couple of months and I will try and get as up to date as I can. And yes. I am posting on the evening of July 4th ... hope hope hoping that the racket outside from the illegal fireworks won't wake Joaquin up. It sounds like Beirut around here.
Mother's Day. It may be my new favorite holiday. (It's definitely topping July 4th. Heh.) We had a great day as a family together. Starting with opening some very sweet presents that included a dogtag style "locket" that I wear with a photo of my baby boy. And of course he is obsessed with it and loves to yank on it and play with it. So we only wear it out and about. It's a great built-in toy. After I wear it one day he spends the next day looking for it. Let's talk about Object Permanence shall we? :-) Douglas also got me a very sweet book called I'll Love You Forever. How in the world I am expected to read that to Joaquin and not bawl each time is beyond me. He also got me an adult book, Barbara Walters' autobiography.
We went for brunch at Gioco. A restaurant we hadn't been to before but definitely will return to. It's nice to be able to make reservations for brunch because waiting on a table often eats up the "good" baby time in the infant carrier.
Here are photos from our day.
Game over! Let's GO!
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