Last night was the first tango in the park for SummerDance and we dusted off the Ergo Carrier just like last year. Of course, he's bigger!! Taller and much heavier. But he's also stronger and I don't worry about him acting like a dead weight to swing around. He loves it and he's safe.
He rode on me the entire night and I am a bit sore this morning as a result. That was 2 hours of dancing with a little break in the middle to eat some grapes and cheese and stretch his legs.
Needless to say, he loved it. And it's fun to see people react to a threesome tango family. One couple came up to us and said they have a photo of us dancing at the Cultural Center when I was pregnant. And now they have one of us with the kiddo, too.
Joaquin and I danced with Papi and two other brave leader souls were willing to take us on as well.
It was great!
The family that tangos together, sweats together. Super humid. Super wet. Super curly.

My boys.

And a couple more photos since I am dedicated to practicing with my camera.
This is from Monday, June 15. Cafe Gelato.

And this is from this morning. Putting on his chapstick.