Saturday, April 19, 2008

I am 5 Months Old now!

Holy smokes. This month flew by. It may have something to do with all the fun we are having or the fact that at least a few days a week we get better weather. On Thursday the 17th Joaquin turned 5 Months Old. Goodness! We celebrated by seeing a friend at lunchtime, recording an interview for a local radio station about tango, having a bath and drinking a lot of milk. Sounds like perfection for a baby, huh?

Here are our photos from mami's 5 Month photo shoot.

Yeah. I am 5 months old.

Hanging out with my guacamaya puppet and smirking.

A new position for the chair. And some drool.

Don't tell Papi we let Samui in the nursery and in the chair. ;-) It was a special occasion.

Here are two "out-takes" from our photo shoot.

We got a LOT of feet in the air shots. Someone loves to play with his toes.

And Samui was bored of this game and desperate to leave. Can you tell?

FINALLY..... We have rolling as of 4.5 Months. This is a really really long video but it's what happens when your baby decides to roll from front to back to avoid Tummy Time. Now it's very hard to get him to stay on his belly for too long.

And a few more photos from the past few weeks.

My newborn hat from Prentice doesn't fit, mami.

I would like to play in the Johnny Jump Up but my armpits are still too low. Stupid armpits.

Trying out the Big Boy Seat for the stroller before putting it on. We did go for our first walk in it on Friday. It's FUN!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ILOVE THIS BLOG, it makes me smile and wish i were there!