First of all, we went to the pediatrician on Saturday - his 2 week birthday - and found out that he is, indeed, perfect. Really. You don't have to tell us that. In fact, not only is he perfect, he is eating like a professional. He lost 4 oz from birth to his 4 day appointment and now at his 2 week appointment he was a full pound above his birth weight. So our baby bird is weighing in at 8 lbs and 8 oz right now. That means in a week and a half he gained a pound and four ounces. Egads. Yes, he loves to eat. I knew that. This was really nice proof of it. And it helps mentally with the stamina needed to be the sole provider of baby food, too.
Everything else at the appointment was great, too. He is measuring 21.5 inches, making us think that he was very mis-measured at birth. Surely he didn't gain 2.5 inches in a week. Douglas is convinced his knees were bent at the hospital measurement. This makes it sound like he was right.
Jan and Beth came to visit us on Friday. We totally forgot to take a photo with Beth.
And these are photos from the Two Weeks Birthday. The fleece outfit is from Ana and just the most snuggly thing ever. Clearly. Look how he hangs on on the sofa with his mom... dead cold asleep, too.
Two Weeks Old. One Pound Heavier!
Check out my favorite sleeping position when I don't have to be all swaddled down.
Mami, do it with me!
As for Mami and Papi....
Mami cannot sit for long periods of time (i.e. nursing) without a serious pain in the behind. I have either a broken or severely bruised tailbone. And there is no cure but time and patience. My poor inflatable donut broke, too. So I sit on one Boppy Pillow and nurse with the second one. Thank goodness Lisa is loaning me hers for a bit.
Papi is super-duper busy at work (yeah!!) and he is the professional of the First Shift of the Night. Lots of snuggles and rocking and then hanging out in the nursery while Joaquin sleeps so I can get some real rest in the bedroom. Thank goodness for wireless internet, eh? It's not easy to sleep with Joaquin in the bedroom in his co-sleeper because he makes lots of chirpy, squeaky noises and wakes me up over and over. Sleeping with him out of the room makes for restful sleep - even if it's only in 2-3 hour chunks!
The best thing of the past two weeks - besides watching our son start on a healthy growth path - has been the blessing of family. Mom and Lisa have been absolute angels and have traded off staying here with us. It allows me to feel sane and not totally alone (even though I have only left the house twice in two weeks for the pediatrician appointments) and to get some real rest at night. Not only that, I may be eating better than I have consistently in years. Hmmm... maybe I should go and put some cookies in right now for Mom and Dad when they get here. My fridge has homemade cookie dough just waiting to be sliced and baked right now... mmmmmmmm!
1 comment:
Wow, what can I say...he's still so precious. Am glad you are adjusting and have such help! Wonderful, wonderful!
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