Ok. So Friday night we decided to try Joaquin in his crib. He has slept there just a couple of times and he is a swirm worm. So he needs the positioner so he doesn't put his face up against the edges. And last time we put it too 'high' up in the bed and he scooched all the way down the bed at night. So Friday night we decided to start him low so he has less room to scooch. Right. Hahahah.
That's this. (He was actually asleep when I took these photos...)
Then Saturday night not only did he scooch and crash up the end of his crib, but he also got OUT OF THE SWADDLE again. Look at that face! He busted out both arms starting at 3am. I watched him on the monitor. He would grunt and struggle and get a bit out and then fall asleep. Then thirty minutes later he started up again. Grunt, struggle, one arm free! What a character.
Check out how he crashed in his crib by 7:30am today. I am dying over there. What a nutball!
This one is a little blurry, but look how high he kicked his swaddled legs up on the crib wall!