Thursday, March 6, 2008

A little assortment of photos and a video.

So... we have a thumbsucker. He is still sorting out how to keep his little baby fingers from jabbing him in the eye, but he knows that he likes to suck his thumb. Specifically his left thumb. He reaches for toys most often with his right hand.

This photo was taken after breakfast in the bed with me. He was dozing and thumbsucking.

The dreaded Tummy Time. He still detests it. But if I use this towel he will stay there for a whopping 4 minutes. It's too bad he screams bloody murder when I remove it, though. He really isn't bearing weight on his arms like he ought to be doing. Still. He looks pretty proud of himself there, doesn't he?

And this is a little video of Nursey Mouth. He recently started doing this pretty actively. I like to think it means he is hungry, but I caught him doing it 2o minutes after he ate today. So..... I hope it doesn't mean I Have Teeth Coming or something. Yikes. Maybe it's the progression after the bubbles he has been blowing for the past 2 weeks. Whatever. It's really cute, I think. Little Nursey Mouth.

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